
Be remarkable

A day at David Hieatt's - Do Lectures founder - provides some food for thought (and tummies)

By: Nicola Robey,   2 minutes

It turns out being remarkable isn’t as tough as you may have thought.

Of course, it does help if you’re massively talented, hugely driven and ultimately inspired. But what it really boils down to, is that if you can get someone to pass comment on you, remarking on something you’ve done, well then you’re remarkable. Congratulations.

It was after a six-hour car journey to the depths of Wales, that the Do Lecture co-founder David Hieatt gave us this wise insight. Fifteen eager sets of ears were clustered around his table at his family home in Cardigan, bubbling with anticipation for his day-long workshop focusing on ‘How to Build a Brand on a Budget.’

Over the years, David has become a leading figure in social, entrepreneurial and ethical thinking. Carving a new path through business based on authenticity, passion and an utter delight in changing things for the better.

Whether it’s the inspiring Do Lectures, which see hundreds of entrepreneurial thinkers gathering to hear the words of forward-thinking speakers from around the globe,  Hiut Denim, David’s jean company on a mission to reignite Cardigan’s jean industry, or the sustainably sourced 25 Mile Restaurant; each and every aspect of David’s projects is permeated with his genuine charisma and vision.

As an aspiring ethical entrepreneur who’s enthralled by boundary shakers, idea igniters and all-round challengers like Anita Roddick, I was more than excited to hear what David had to bring to the table.

From the moment he greeted us with freshly brewed coffee, to the relaxed way he delivered his words, from the giggles of his blonde-haired children as they scampered the corridors, to the home-made macaroons perched invitingly on the table, each aspect of the day was David. He is his brand and it is nothing but authentic.

‘If your customers can’t see you in your voice, they won’t believe in your vision.’

The power of a clear vision resonated throughout the day, and this chimed with me. At Stranger Collective we pursue vision everyday, working with clients to hone their ideas by tapping into the core of our their intentions, beliefs and personality through our  THINK, WRITE and PRODUCE services. We then distil it into content of all kinds, so people can see what truly makes them tick.

Another thing I took from the day , was the virtue of ‘trying dumb shit.’

Experimentation is the key to getting things right. Even for David, things don’t always work out in business. But what is clear, is that to succeed in something you inevitably have to make a flurry of questionable choices before hand. The mistakes you make and the lessons you learn along the way all play a huge part in shaping your eventual outcome, making your vision stronger and your ideas potent and refined.

David also stressed the importance of remembering the innovative and exceptional. So, from now on I shall be scrapbooking everything – I will tear out anything that snags my interest, bookmark all the sites that steer my eye and snap any scenes that I can use as part of my arsenal. You never know when these will come in handy.

I left Cardigan brimming with ideas, ready to pour my motivation to ‘be a doer’ into every aspect of my life, from the way I approach client work, to making sure I get the recycling out on time.

Being a doer breeds positivity and funnily enough gets stuff done. And that’s contagious.

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