Festival of Creativity – KALEIDER Studios
A creative collaboration between: The Literary Platform, Stranger Collective and the MA Creativity at the University of Exeter. With kind support from Arts & Culture Exeter, Exeter Art Week and the UBC- Exeter Catalyst Grant.
Event listings:
Thursday 15 June
Read on for more information about each Festival of Creativity event and links to tickets.
For any other information, email [email protected]
All events on Thursday 15 June will take place at Kaleider Studios, 45 Preston St, Exeter, EX1 1DF.
Love Where You Live: A Creative Journalling workshop | Thursday 15 June 2-4pm
This lighthearted creative workshop is designed to help you see and experience your hometown or city in a joyful new way.
Led by Hannah Bevan, the Cornwall-based founder and author of Hometown Journals, you’ll first learn a little about the benefits of journaling and how becoming more immersed in your local area can positively impact your wellbeing, before working through a series of guided prompts and exercises from the Hometown Journal. There will be a mix of writing, drawing and mindfulness activities – but all will be designed to inspire gratitude, exploration and fresh perspectives in the place that you live. There will be the opportunity to share and discuss our journal entries with the group too, to spark new ideas, connect with like-minded people and spread the joy!
What to expect:
Thursday 15 June, 2-4pm, Kaleider, Exeter.
Get your tickets here.
The Lit magazine launch party – ‘Small Town Stories’ | Thursday 15 June 5-6.30pm
With readings from novelist Dr Amy Lilwall, creative conversations, art, wine & more!
Private view exhibition: ‘Other Places’.
International photojournalism and illustration from Alex Valentino, Zev Tiefenbach, Helena Bonastre and artists from France, Canada and Spain.
Thursday 15 June 5-6.30pm, Kaleider, Exeter.
This is a ‘pay what you can’ event. Get your tickets here.
Read Between the Wines | Thursday 15 June, 7-9pm
“Language is wine upon the lips.” Virginia Woolf
Read Between the Wines is a book group with a difference. Simultaneously celebrating the art of wordsmithery and the beauty of wine craft, we pair a short story with a selection of three choice wines and open the floor to taste, discover and discuss.
Our chosen story for this Read Between the Wines is ‘Arrival’ by Gurnaik Johal, winner of the Galley Beggar Short Story Prize and part of his debut short story collection, ‘We Move’.
Ticket holders will be sent details for where and how they can read the story prior to the event.
Thursday 15 June, 7-9pm, Kaleider, Exeter.
Get your tickets here.
Story-worlds: Writing about place | Friday 16 June 11-1pm
A workshop with novelist and Programme Leader of Creative Writing at Lincoln University, Dr Amy Lilwall. Lilwall is the author of The Biggerers, published by Point Blank books.
Friday 16 June 11-1pm, The White House, Room 2 The White House Thornlea New North Road Exeter EX4 4LA
Get your tickets here.
An evening with Daisy Hildyard | Friday 16 June, 6pm
Novelist Daisy Hildyard will be reading from her work and talking about artistic collaborations, place, second bodies, and other things.
Praise for Hildyard: ‘This book succeeds because of the chilly and beautifully sustained voice of its narrator, the precise embroidery of its sentences and paragraphs, its observations of the natural world.’ — Sarah Moss, Guardian.
Friday 16 June, 6pm, The Exploding Bakery, Exeter.
Get your tickets here.