One of the first rules of good writing is ‘Show don’t tell’. And the same applies to training. It’s no good just banging on about how marvellous your training is, what matters is what people take from the experience.
Which is why we’d like to share what the lovely learners from last week’s Dynamic Digital Writing course had to say. If we can challenge and inspire great people from leading charities, hotels, design agencies and restaurants to think differently about writing, we’re sure we can inspire you too.
‘I really enjoyed sharing ideas and learning how content can work harder for us. It focused my efforts and gave me confidence in creating my own content. A really useful, informative, friendly day. Well done!’
– Polly, 20/20 Projects
‘Today’s course has given me wider thinking and has improved my blog structures and helped me create a tangible action plan.’
– Abby, The Green Bank Hotel
‘We enjoyed everything – the content, environment, people, coffee and food. The benefit for my business was relating the activities directly to things we are working on at the moment. The audience snapshot was an excellent activity – really helpful. Brilliant lunch too!’
– Fran and Juliet, Eat Drink Sleep
‘What a great mix of theory and practical exercises! The main benefit for my business was focusing both on our own business strategy and understanding our customers’ content better. Amazing food, drink and takeaway materials.’
– Anja, Anja Jones Translation Agency
‘The exercises illustrated how brands need to add value to people’s lives, rather than just noise. We’ve being doing a lot of brand and persona work lately and this course has helped to consolidate that work.’
– Varshana, Shelterbox
And they weren’t the only ones learning a thing or two. The team here at Stranger found out that turning a wall into a blackboard makes for learning on a larger scale, a cellist and artist working together is a feast for the eyes and ears, and next time Nicola needs to make more of her Splendid Squash Salad™.
Find out more about our courses on our training page, or email Amie if you have a specific enquiry. And remember, we can craft tailor-made sessions too.